Sunday, February 28, 2010

Drum roll please: We're moving....

...over here.

We are happy to share that our Proyecto Latina online site is moving to a new platform! We have been working very hard to get this project done. We are currently in 'beta' mode while we resolve minor tech hiccups. If you catch something, please let us know. So, please, GO EXPLORE!

What does that mean for you?

  • This site is staying but this is our last post here.
  • All new updates can be found here.
  • We have imported our complete archives (including comments) therefore we are turning-off the comments feature here.
  • If you want to comment on a post that you found on our blogger-site, search for it on the new site and comment there.
  • Because of the way Google Friends Connect works on blogger we cannot 'take' our current friends with us--we know, major bummer.
  • To ensure you stay connected you will need to "follow" us by going to our new site and re-subscribing again.
Those are the only changes for now. We will continue sharing comings-and-goings of Latinas making an impact in our communities. And we have some plans that may mean even more interviews and resources. In the meantine we would love feedback on what's working and what needs refining. You can also pitch us your story ideas at: